Hey, friends! We are so excited to tell you that we founds ourselves another Keystone Montana in mint condition! It took us a month of hunting, endless hours scouring the internet for leads and hours on the road looking at rigs. But we think all of that paid off! We will pick up our new Montana tomorrow. She is at the dealership where we found her and she is getting a good inspection and a second AC installed before we bring her home.
This rig is slightly bigger than the last one. It has a large closet for the washer/dryer, features a garden tub (we may remove that), will have a large electric fireplace and custom kitchen bench seating. It has 3 slide outs and we anticipate it sleeping 5-6 guests. It also has generator hookups for those who like to camp off the grid. We have lots of luxury upgrades planned for this rig. We also anticipate a quick turnaround on this one, which is great for all of you who are waiting for one of our rigs to come up for purchase!
Let us know if you have any questions about this rig or are interested in possibly purchasing it upon completion.